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A course on setting up a home shop

  • 09 Nov 2023 11:17 AM
    Reply # 13277597 on 13210388

    There is still time to sign up for this course. The syllabus has been modified and You can view the syllabus here: Syllabus. I've taken several classes from Gary Rogowski and they are amazing. Even online, you will walk away with a ton of tips, ideas, techniques, jigs and improved skills.

    If you are looking to improve as a woodworker and/or need to improve the functionality of your shop, this class is for you. I feel Gary's approach to woodworking is common sense. Nothing is more complicated than it needs to be.

    Consider this class.  I do have a disclaimer to make. The class will not be offered if more students don't sign up.  And if the class does start it will start a week later.


    Mark Sherman

    1 file
  • 09 Jun 2023 10:04 AM
    Reply # 13213226 on 13210388

    The course continues for a year and meets every other Saturday for 2 hours. I should have added this in the first description. Sorry,


  • 04 Jun 2023 1:35 PM
    Message # 13210388

    Hi fellow woodworkers,

    You may be familiar with or visited the Northwest Woodworking Studio when it was in SE Portland. That shop has been closed. However, Gary Rogowski is continuing his mastery program and also offers online courses.  I've taken 3 so far. No matter what class you take, you will learn way more than you expected to.

    In the fall he may be offering a course in setting up a workshop. It is a class that no only talks about what you need and how to organize it, its also about how to maximize productivity in a workshop, and how to manage in a small workshop. I've signed up.

    I'm including the course description link to his google doc. Hope to see you in this class.


    Disclaimer: I don't get a kickback. But I would benefit if enough people signed up to ensure the minimum enrollment is reached. 

    You will learn a lot tools, organization, work flow, and the building process for those interested. Even if you have a shop you may want to modify it after taking this class.

    Enjoy the summer,

    Mark Sherman

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