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In the News

Annual Guild Summer Beer and Pizza Open House- September 17, 7:00 pm 

Join us for the 3rd annual beer and pizza open house at the Guild on September 17 at 7pm.  We will be raffling off swell woodworking gifts and sharing tips, tricks and stories about your favorite woodworking projects.  Please register on the Guild calendar so we can be sure to have enough pizza.  Come join the fun!

Art in the Pearl  - Thanks!

A special thanks to all the volunteers for Art in the Pearl.  Another successful and fun year in the books.  Look forward to seeing you all volunteering again next year!

Volunteer Appreciation Reporting 

Remember to track your volunteer hours for the next Volunteer Appreciation benefits program.  Next reporting period will be for July 1 - December 31, 2024 to be reported in January 2025.

Open Shop

Reminder 1 - bring your own supplies to Open Shop - blue tape, glue, double-sided tape, pencils, etc.  Disposable items are generally not supplied by the Guild for personal use.  

Reminder 2 - that old boy scout rule applies to the shop as well - leave it cleaner than you found it.  Just a reminder to clean the tools you worked with - tool, floor, innards etc.  It's always nicer to come in to a clean shop than one left messy.

and DID YOU KNOW - that you can look at the shop activity on the Guild website?  You can see if there's space at an open shop that may have been full, but cleared out within 2 hours. If you're going to be more than 30 minutes late for an open shop slot, you can see if the SA is still there?  (they stay for 30 minutes and if no one shows, they can leave).  check it out here: Shop Cameras


Volunteer Opportunities - current specific needs  - contact charlie.meyer@guildoforegonwoodworkers.org

 The volunteer team is looking for members to help specifically with:

Program Leader - Monthly meetings - find and arrange for speakers/demonstrators to present at the monthly general meetings.  

Shop Inventory Coordinator - track shop consumables and equipment needs (blades, bits, abrasives, paper towels, etc.)

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